James Finnegan Playground

6801 Grovers Ave
Philadelphia PA 19142

(215) 685-4191

Lisa Summers, Rec Leader

Jamilla Abdur-Rahman

This 17.7-acre site has play equipment, a sprinkler and pool, a new basketball court, hockey court, tennis courts, and sports fields. The building has a multi-purpose room. A wide variety of youth, adult and family activities are hosted here. The site was named in honor of J. Francis Finnegan in 1956. He worked in crime prevention and social services. He helped establish boys' clubs to keep youth out of trouble.



City Council Representative

Kenyatta Johnson

Advisory Council

Eugene Garfield

Don Henry

Population within Half a Mile


Under Age 18: 16,746

Median Income: $34,376

Below Poverty Line: 26%

African American: 78%

People of Color: 86%

Heroes Fund Projects and Mini Grants


Finley Rec Center


Gambrel Rec Center